Thyroid drugs information



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Detailed information about thyroid drugs

This page contains the most relevant information about thyroid hormone replacement drugs and anti-thyroid drugs available in New Zealand. Not only does this information make it possible for patients and doctors to compare the different brands and formulations of the same medicine (e.g., levothyroxine); it also provides information about possible alternatives to a particular medicine (e.g., Propylthiouracil instead of Neo-Mercazole).

Approved and funded brands of a drug are available from each pharmacy in New Zealand. Brands that have not been approved are usually only available through importation of the drugs or raw materials (in case of drugs compounded in New Zealand), either by a doctor, pharmacy or other licensed company, or by the patient themselves. More information about the funding, prescription and importation of (unapproved) thyroid drugs can be found elsewhere on our website.

Drugs for the treatment of hypothyroidism

Approved and funded brands of levothyroxine


Levothyroxine (generic)

most recent renewal: NZ Gazette 10 November 2022 (valid for two years from 11 November 2022)

Eltroxin (new formulation 2008)

Drugs for the treatment of hypothyroidism

Approved but not funded brand of levothyroxine


Drugs for the treatment of hypothyroidism

Not approved or funded brands of levothyroxine

Eltroxin (old formulation)

Levothyroxine (Accord generic, rebranded from: Actavis)

Drugs for the treatment of hypothyroidism

Not approved or funded brand of liothyronine

Liothyronine Sodium (generic)

Thybon Henning 20

Drugs for the treatment of hypothyroidism

Not approved or funded: desiccated porcine thyroid extract

Whole Thyroid Capsules

Drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroidism

Approved and funded brand of carbimazole


Drugs for the treatment of hyperthyroidism

Not approved, but funded under Special Authority

Propylthiouracil (PTU)